Wachtel/Thum Couples Shower
Before we get on with the purpose of this post I'd just like to say:
GO KENTUCKY!!!!! This past weekend one of the Salmon's was thrilled that KY won & the other was equally thrilled by the game but for a completely opposite reason: UNC lost.
Ok... moving on.
This past weekend a few of us threw a shower for some of our dear friends, the Wacthels & Thums. The Thums are due in LESS THAN 2 weeks & the Wachtels are due in 4! crazy.
All that to say, we had a good time. But with a apple juice chugging contest for the boys (out of a baby bottle of course), gifts for our mommies to be, & Allison Roark's desserts... how could we not have a good time??? Here are a few photos of the evening:
Also here are some photos from Allison of her delicious cookies! Aren't they adorable? For some reason, my pics of the desserts were blurrrrrrrry/ugly. These are MUCH better:
Ok that's it in a nutshell! :) Happy Baby to Marie & Jill!
Much love to you all!