
Alright... This is what I'm currently living in. T-minus 3 days til we have keys and can move into our new place!!!!!!

Pray for my very clean and organized husband who hates clutter... :)

Also pray for Irene, evidently she thought it'd be a good idea to visit N. Carolina on the day of our big move. I don't want to be rude, but she was by no means invited to the moving party so she should probably just hold off on stopping by. At least until Saturday evening - how rude!

Photo from The Daily Gree

Also in slightly more fun news... I've conquered my first apron. HOLLA. A sweet friend has a bday this week and we celebrated on Friday night so I got to give her the gift a little early. :)

I just loved the two fabrics! Very fall and foodish.

Sorry the pics are a bit blurry - taken from my phone...

Confession: I didn't use a pattern and just "eyed" it... so yeah, if you look CLOSELY you might find a few errors (ok, so maybe that's why I took the pics and made sure they were blurry - so you couldn't see the bloopers). But I like to think that those minor mistakes show that it was made with love and make it "special & unique." It gives it character... right? hehe.

Anyways... enough of all of this. I have to finish my reading for class tonight... not to mention finish packing my life into boxes...

Much love.