When the Bible feels BLAH.
Today I sat down to study God's Word, and I'll be honest, I didn't want to. Some weeks I'm eager to study, other weeks it's a *hard* discipline.
But what I've been reminded of this week as I keep showing up to God's Word, is that it doesn't return void. The book I've been studying has felt a bit blah (sorry not sorry - just keeping it real), BUT as I've kept going, kept on fighting and starting again when I've missed days, I am reminded that His Word doesn't return void. Scripture is living and active and it can transform any heart/mind (even the most stubborn ones... ahem 🙋🏼). And while I've been kinda in a rut in the book I've been studying, God has ministered to my soul through the grand picture of the Bible and other passages that keep coming to mind as I read.
I share this because sometimes social media makes it look like we all have it together with our pretty Bible studies and gorgeous Bibles and fancy scripts. I think in an effort to encourage each other to get in God's Word, we've tipped the scales & we make it look like we come to Scripture and magically we're refreshed and renewed. We've neglected to show the HARD part of studying Scripture. And so unintentionally we give off the impression that if you come to Scriptures and leave frustrated then that's on you.
Well, Yes and No.
(A) Gods Word isn't designed to be your daily feel good pick me upper. So if you're looking at it that way, you're going to be disappointed... a lot.
But (B) it also NEVER returns void. So if you're showing up & diving in, even the blah days aren't wasted. Every word of this book is inspired and active. But walking with the Lord is hard sometimes. Reading and studying Scripture can be a difficult discipline to maintain.
So if you're out there, wrestling with a daily time with the Lord, let me encourage you... YOU are not alone. This wasn't made to be easy. But even the hard parts, the failures and the get back ups, those are ALL worth it in the end. He will accomplish His purpose.
Keeping reading.
Keep praying.
Keep wrestling with the Lord.
Pressing on WITH you,