It's that time of year: New Year's Resolutions.
Sometimes my personality decides to be contrary so I skip things like making resolutions I will most likely never keep, but this year I've had a change of heart.
Over the past few years I've come to appreciate the distinct moments in life that cause one to stop, reflect, and redirect. A few years ago I lost a dear friend in a car accident. She was young, vibrant, and she loved the Lord; I remember those moments of grief as times of refinery. I did weird things: I chopped my hair off, I bought I violin, I started taking lessons, I went to Kenya, I tried to train myself to look at people differently. I evaluated my life, where I was going, and I made changes accordingly.
Funerals, Weddings, Babies, etc. are all great markers that cause us to stop and re-evaluate priorities, goals, failures, etc. This year, for me, I'd stick New Years in that category as well. So in honor of my reflections these past few days I wanted to share my top ten resolutions.
I am resolved to:
1. Train for my marathon diligently (wooot May 1st) 2. Read through the Bible in a Year 3. Learn how to sew well (Thanks to my hubs for the sewing machine) 4. Eat healthily and exercise in order to treat my body well. 5. Learn to long for the second coming more. 6. Read books consistently vs. sporadically 7. Sharpen my writing skills by writing at least 3x's a week 8. Try to look for the good things in people rather than being critical. Then try to communicate those good things to them or others. 9. Stop focusing on the future (I tend to over-plan), and appreciate the present more. 10. Learn something new everyday.
Some of these things are measurable, others not as much. But my goal isn't to accomplish these things so I can cross off my list, rather it's to change and grow. If in 12 months I've accomplished 8 of these things, then GREAT! I'm striving for all, but I know I'm not perfect.
Anyways, those are mine... I would love to hear some of yours!
Much love,