Get your shoppin' on.
Quick race blurb before we get on to more fun things:
We did it! We survived! :)
Excuse the blurrrrrrry phone photo. You can see more photos from our trip here on my girl Marie's blog.
But yes, we all finished and NONE of us walked. I've never had to walk in a half before, but I was pretty terrified that my training (or lack thereof) these past few months was going to catch up with me. Eeek. And it was evident in my pace (about 10 min miles), but at least I still finished w/o walking. Whew.
Anyways - enough with running... onto the good stuff.
The mister and I have some friends, Aaron and Stephanie Coalson, who are raising money to adopt a sweet baby from Ethiopia and we're REALLY REALLY excited for them. You can read more about their story HERE, but needless to say... Aaron and Steph are AH-maz-ing. And so is their latest fundraiser.
"Why?" you ask. Well... I'd love to tell you.
It's brilliant because you can get some really great stocking stuffers and/or Christmas gifts all the while helping them bring their baby home. For example, this tumbler is amazing and I want one and I'm sure you do too if you're addicted to warm beverages like me. :)
They're working with Ordinary Hero and I am so excited for them! Ordinary Hero is an organization that helps families and churches care for orphans and I absolutely love that Aaron and Steph are partnering with them! I've pretty much copied Aaron's instructions straight from his blog, so follow these instructions and check out all the cool stuff you can get!
- Go to the Ordinary Hero store and start doing your Christmas Shopping.
- 40% of ALL proceeds of your purchase go to Aaron and Steph's adoption!
- When you check out be sure to click Stephanie Coalson's name in the affiliate drop down bar.
- If the Coalsons are one of the top 3 highest sellers for the week, they receive a $500 grant toward their adoption!
So go get your shoppin' on!