And the Journey begins: #MinusOneOrphan
It's been silent around here... I know - but that's because I can't keep a secret & I knew that if I was on here I'd somehow manage to slip up and the cat would be out of the bag! Also, I've been drowning in paper work these last few months just to get to this point. SOOOOOOO... without further adieu...
No, I'm not pregnant...
but yes,
We are OVER THE MOON to announce that we've been accepted by a local adoption agency and are in the process of bringing a little one home!
I'll be filling you in with all the details soon enough, but for now... let me do this...
Because you are awesome people and ALREADY we've been asked by many of you HOW you can help... I'm just going to be point blank honest with you. We have to raise $26,650 BEFORE we can be placed with a child. That's how domestic adoption goes with our agency. We know that is A LOT of money. I get it. Our jaws dropped too. But we BELIEVE that if God called us to adopt, He'll provide and He's going to use His people to do so.
So we have 5 ways you can help:
1. Straight up Donate.
Yall... This was (still is) my BIGGEST fear when we started the adoption application process... I'm all like... WHERE IS ALL THE MONEY GOING TO COME FROM AND OH NO I CANNOT ASK PEOPLE FOR MONEY. Ben, thankfully, is a bit calmer and has kept me grounded. God will provide. And He's going to use His people. BUT we have to be faithful in asking. So here goes nothing... We're adopting through Christian Adoption Services & they accept donations online (AND they offer tax deductibles since they are a non-profit). All you have to do is click on THIS LINK and scroll to the bottom and hit the donate tab & it'll take you to a site that looks like this:
And in the white box labeled PURPOSE, write in Ben & Brittany Salmon Adoption. This is the EASIEST way to financially support our adoption. But please, BE SURE to write our names in that box - otherwise it does not go directly towards our adoption.
(Whew. There. I did it. Done.)
2. Shop The Sassy Salmon.
See the new tab up top (if you're on a computer)? If you're on your mobile phone, you can click here after you're done reading this. That's the new Sassy Salmon Shop. And I'm not gonna be shy about asking you to check out the shop because CHRISTMAS and BIRTHDAYS and REAL LIFE happens and you just need to buy something pretty for yourself and for others. And I love it when I shop at places where I know EXACTLY where the money is going. And at The Sassy Salmon Shop... ALL profit goes towards our adoption. EVERY CENT goes to bringing a baby home. We're not making a buck off of this. So check out the shop... and know that if you love our products, and you buy them, all profit will go towards giving a child a loving home. :) Also feel free to share the shop on all of your facebook walls, pinterest, instas, any and everything because word of mouth is a powerful thing.
3. Drink more coffee.
Yeah.... you heard me. Drink more coffee. All of you coffee lovers are like "WHAT?!?!?! I can help you adopt a child by drinking coffee?" Um, yes. And we're pumped to help you fuel your addiction. We are THRILLED to announce that Ben and his friend Ben... (yes... that's two Ben's... you read that correctly) are roasting their own coffee to raise money to bring our baby home. Have an office that drinks a lot of coffee?? Buy a few lbs. Have friends/family members who really enjoy good coffee?? Buy a lb. for them. You can purchase it through the store if you don't live in the area. OR if you do and are willing to pick up the coffee locally, you can contact us at with your order. We're charging $20/lb. of whole bean coffee. If you need it to be ground coffee, we do take special orders. :)
4. Attend one of our events.
Over the next few months we'll be hosting some FUN and exciting fundraisers. I don't want to give away any spoilers - but for real - they're going to be awesome. The Salmons don't mess around when it comes to fun... and food... & probably both will be there... so you'll want to be there too. You can help us by attending one or all of our events - and we'll be announcing them through HERE on the blog. So you can stay in touch by subscribing to our blog, or following me & Ben on twitter Also... because every mission needs a hashtag... #MinusOneOrphan is what we'll be using for our adoption.
5. Pray
I know. I saved the best for last. Y'all, money is a big deal... but prayer is even bigger. We believe that God is calling our family to adopt. We believe that God is calling our family to be an interracial family. We believe that God is going to move in mighty ways to save the child we bring into our family. And we believe that Satan will do everything within His power to stop that. He'll attack our marriage. Our family. Our future child. Our future child's birth mother. Our finances. It's game on & go time, and we cannot do this without our family of faith praying fervently for us. We're pleading with you to pray for us.
Y'all... we're over the moon. Totally thrilled. Beyond excited to be on this journey. We'll be sharing more about our adoption story soon, but for now, we're inviting our friends and family to celebrate with us. To relish in God's goodness for providing a way for us to be adopted into God's family, and that because He first loved us, we can love others.
Much love,