There is an Arizona
Well... I did it. I proved one of my fav. country songs wrong... "There is an Arizona, there are painted deserts, and I've been to Sedona." Jamie O' Neal, get your facts straight.
Here is Arizona with its painted desert.
And here is Sedona... It does exist! And it's beautiful!
And here are my MIL & SIL. They make that photo look good right?
We road tripped it from Phoenix to Sedona for the day and had so much fun!
A little sisterly love. For real, I love my SIL.
Also, not only does Arizona exist, but it has In-N-Out... I've heard SO much about this burger joint but have never ventured into one. I was pretty pumped to get to share my first In-N-Out experience with Mil and Sil.
And yes, it lived up to its reputation... Almost as good as Whataburgers. I love those, but I think it's more for the sentimental value than anything. My Papaw adored Whataburgers and took me there whenever I visited. :)
All that to say, Arizona exists AND it was a blast. It was great to see where SIL and BIL lived and worked - but overall I just loved getting to spend some quality girl time with the in-laws.
Alright, I've gotta hit the books. Happy Tuesday to you all!
Much Love