Daniel Renstrom: Jesus Wants My Heart
Y'all, it's your lucky day. "Why?" you ask.
Well... Daniel Renstrom's newest album is out AND it's a children's album!!! If you want to stop reading and just go BUY IT... I'd be fine with that... if you need a little more prodding... continue on.
First off, let me just say something... it's children's music but it is not your typical children's album.
You know what I'm talking about... (ps. I love this scene from Life As we Know it). We've all done time in the backseat of our friend's car with their kids while listening to scary CD's that sound like they have small muppet creatures singing weird lyrics in high pitched and terrifying voices. I'm sorry but those creep me out... I'm sure that once the girls get big enough to latch onto something like that I'll also endure and survive that form of torture.
BUT still...
I'm doing what I can to help them latch onto less creepy music. And Daniel Renstrom has so kindly created an album to assist me in my endeavors to escape hours of creeptastic music in the mini. And here's the thing, he's done an AWESOME job! This album is for children, but I will be listening to is without kiddos when I'm flying solo. Here are just a few reasons why I love it and think you should go buy it:
1. Daniel doesn't sound like a small muppet creature. (in fact he sounds awesome... per the usual.)
2. The lyrics are Biblically sound. I want my girls to grow up singing songs that hold significant theological truths, not just fluffy little kiddy songs. Don't get me wrong, we'll be singing plenty of those as well, but I also want them to have songs that will help them develop and further their understanding of who God is and who they are in light of a loving Father. This album does that. (side note: Read Daniel's 5 things I hope will happen through Jesus Wants my Heart here. Super encouraging)
3. Musically... this album is legit. It's not catchy in a kiddy way, but catchy in a fun for everyone way. Really, it sounds like "real" music (bc it is), especially in contrast to other kids cds that use the synthesizer WAY too much! ;) I love the acoustic driven sound and smooth harmonies.
All that to say... you can purchase the album off of iTunes here. It's SO SO SO good. It definitely received our girls' stamp of approval during a little dance/sing along session with the Mister this morning!
Family members with kids... sorry you'll be getting these for Christmas/Bdays. And by sorry I mean... Congratulations!
Alright y'all! Happy Tuesday! Go BUY Daniel's album!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Much love,