The Fourth

Hey Friends, sorry for the time between posts! To say it has been an eventful couple of weeks would be an understatement. To be honest, I'd love to catch you up on all the details, but I just don't think I have it in me. Plus, some of it is personal - so I'll just say this. A good man passed away on June 28th & it broke my Kentucky family and friends' hearts. So I went home to be with family and grieve with friends. It's been a hard couple of weeks.

I arrived back in Raleigh July 3rd, just in time for the festivities! Although, to be honest, it felt wrong to be "celebrating" a holiday in light of my previous week. But man... it was SO good for my heart to be reunited with The Mister and my babies. We opted to spend some quality time at the lake away from the busyness of Raleigh life and it was really good for my soul. It's a shame that sometimes it takes a tragic death to make you squeeze your family close and be truly grateful for this time together on earth.

Alas, our fourth was really sweet. I just love this stage with the girls. I took some pics on my MIL's fancy camera... but I didn't download the pics to my computer yet so these beauties will have to do! If you follow me in the Instaworld... some of these are repeats... my B. But I'll do a post soon with actual GOOD photos. :)

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Happy Fourth Yall!

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Babies' first apples.

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AND last but not least... our first family boat ride... Noel was obviously enjoying herself... (NOT!) hahah. She was hating life. But Felicity LOVED it.

Alright yall, I hope you all enjoyed your family & friends this fourth!

Much love,

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