Oh These Days...

We like to keep it real on this blog yo. So... in the last 24 I've captured a few of these lovely moments of our sweet & precious daughters to share with yall.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3F6CNwDsEX8&w=640&h=480]

For all of you who have asked "Do they ever cry at the same time?" this video is for you. Because an emphatic YES just doesn't quite communicate the point. I considered posting the other 4 videos of the babies doing the exact same thing in different locations throughout the house/day... but then I decided 1 video was enough. ;)

All that to say... Having twins is the best thing that ever happened to me & I post hundreds of happy pictures because... well... to put it mildly... I adore my girls and LOVE being their mom. But in posting all the good moments, I never want to give off the impression that (1) I have it all together (if you've read any of my posts, you all know this is NOT true. If we all survive their first 12 months of life it will be nothing short of a miracle), (2) that this isn't hard, or (3) that we don't have our moments. Because oh. my. goodness. We have our moments people. And if you couldn't tell... Today is one of those days. I woke up with a sore throat, headache the size of Kansas, and felt like death. The babies, of course, woke up and didn't want to nap at the same time all day. (Excuse the whiny pity party for a few sentences). But the reality is... even in their ridiculousity (made up that word. I'm fine with it)... I still love them. And for some reason... I want to even document these crazy days!


I guess the truth is... even on our worst day here (which is definitely not today), being their mom is still my FAV. JOB. EVER. And I am so thankful for these bundles of sweetness.

Much love,

Picture 3